Saturday, May 11, 2013

Warsaw on a Gray Day (POL)

I have a weekend free of travel, so I decided last night to take the train today to Krakow.  (It is only 2 hours away.) Then the rains came this morning, so I decided to stay in Warsaw.  Here are some photos from a gray and rainy day in Warsaw.

A street fair which was promoting the European Union.

A few billboard posters on display in the central square of Old Town.  The posters tell the story of Jews in Warsaw in the early 20th century up to World War II.

The writing on the side of the train read, "We are sending Jews to Poland to be killed."

How's your Polish?

Wisla (Vistula) River, which runs through Warsaw.

Notice the graffiti on the building in the back.  Warsaw is not as bad as some cities I have visited where there is graffiti on just about everything!

Anything look good to you?

Cafe where I had a cup of coffee.
I checked.  Dragon meat was not on the menu.

It's time for lunch!

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