Sunday, May 19, 2013

Istanbul - Part 1 (New Delhi)

Inside the Haigia Sofia Basilica

I am posting from New Delhi the photos I took while I was sightseeing in Istanbul.  The photos will be in random order, but chronological starting with the first day I arrived.  I hope you enjoy them.  

The Blue Mosque (something to Google!)

A local neighborhood mosque

Clock tower of Sultan's 19th century palace on the Bosphorus.
Fountain in front of the palace.

In the palace garden.

One of the palace gates on the Bosphorus.

Main palace gate on the city side.

Interesting kind of tree!

Monument on Taksim Square, a main square of Istanbul which leads to a major street of shops and restaurants.

Flower stalls on Taksim Square

A rose in the gardens of the palace.

I have many more photos of exciting Istanbul to post, but it is now bedtime for me.  We leave tomorrow at 7 AM for the Taj Mahal, and I need to catch up on my sleep.  More of Istanbul to come...

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