Sunday, May 5, 2013

Vienna's Prunksaal and Jesuitenkirche (POL)

I am writing this posting from Warsaw.  I arrived early this afternoon, settled in, then visited the Old Town, which is a recreation of the oldest part of the city of Warsaw which was leveled to the ground by the Nazis during World War II.  What a heroic city this is!  More on Warsaw when I finish with Vienna and Munich...

This posting will be entirely of photos from the National Library of Austria, the Prunksaal, (formerly, the Imperial Library) and the Jesuit Church, Jesuitenkirche, in Vienna.  I am going to violate my own rule of limiting photos on my postings because there two sites are beyond beautiful.  I have never seen a more impressive and elegant environment for a library collection; and the Jesuitenkirche rivals, in my opinion, the Church of the Gesu in Rome for its impressive Baroque style.  So without further ado, the photos of the Prunksaal and Jesuitenkirche...

A Latin inscription on a tablet at the entrance to the Prunksaal...just to let you know that you need to know Latin to be an educated person!

A section of the ceiling of the Prunksaal.

An entry gate at the Hofburg to the Treasury Rooms.

On the back exterior wall of the Stephansdom.


The pulpit

A possible relative of Bob Grimm, SJ (Oregon Province)?

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