Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Istanbul-Topkapi Palace - Part 4 (INDIA)

The Sultan himself was there to greet us when we approached the entrance to Topkapi Palace.  For a small fee, he would let you take a photo with him at your side!  I resisted.

One of the many armed military guards inside Topkapi Palace.
The interior gate of the palace leading to the second courtyard.
For those of you who can read Arabic.  It reads something to the effect of who (that is, Sultan) built this part of the palace.

Ornate tiles were throughout the palace.  The lower section is a divan of cloth.

Section of a domed ceiling.

View of the Bosphorus from the grounds of the palace.
View of me on the grounds of the palace!  We are headed to the terrace restaurant whose umbrellas you see in the background.  It was lunch time.

I took this photo from our table at the restaurant.

The kitchens of the palace with 14 chimneys.

Note to Joe Herlihy: This was the cruise ship which was docked next to the Modern Art Museum which totally blocked the view of the Bosphorus from its terrace.

The next few photos are from the private rooms of the Sultan.

The courtyard of the Sultan's harem.

The apartment of the mother of the Sultan inside the harem.
The bedrooms of the concubines of the harem.

Niches for oil lamps.

The Sultan's bedroom inside the harem.

On the grounds of the palace.

My next series of photos of Istanbul will be from my cruise on the Golden Horn and Bosphorus, photos from the Chora Church, and more.  Stay tuned for Part 5.

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