Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Budapest and a little of Vienna (AUS)

Who knew Officer Krupke moved to Budapest from the Bronx!  [You will have to Google the reference!]

It is now 10:30 PM in Vienna.  I spent the entire day sightseeing and have many photos to prove it.  I started the day by going to a performance of the Spanish Riding School of Vienna.  It was thrilling to finally see the world famous Lipizzaner white stallions and their riders perform.  No photos were allowed to be taken during the performance, but I have a few of the ring in which they perform.  The building itself and the riding area is like a palace!  Before I get to my photos of Vienna, I want to finish with the photos of Budapest.

I am attaching some photos I took on my second full day sightseeing, which was Sunday.  On Monday, I treated myself to an afternoon of luxuriating in one of the thermal baths for which Budapest is famous.  They are basically public Turkish baths.  The one I was in (Rudas) was constructed by the Turks in the 15th century.  It is located on the Buda side of the Danube at the foot of the hill of the Citadel.  It was a real treat.  No photos of that mini-adventure, but I took a few at the end of the day.  I had a late lunch at the New York Cafe, which when it was built it was described as the most beautiful cafe in the world.  It was recently refurbished and brought back to its original condition.  It really is a beautiful dining room.  You will see something of the majestic beauty of the room in a few photos.  And so, here are the final photos from Budapest.  [I still need to catch up with the photos of my trip to Greece!!]

Basilica of St. Stephen
Main door of the basilica with bronze plaques of the Apostles.
St. Stephen himself is keeping watch over the front door of the basilica.
Photo of a poster at the front of the basilica advertising a concert at the basilica.

Can you imagine?  This tree is a make-shift memorial for Michael Jackson, with photos of him, flowers, and votive candles at the base of the tree!!

The subway stop near the hotel I was at.
And here is the hotel...
Musicians performing for guests in one of the lobbies of the hotel.  Yes, they were playing Hungarian melodies!
One of the buddhas guarding the entrance to the hotel's Thai restaurant.
One of the dining areas of the New York Cafe.

An area of the ceiling of the New York Cafe.

Floral display in the lobby of the very elegant Italian owned hotel where the New York Cafe is located.

And now for a taste of what is to come, here are a few photos I took when I first arrived in Vienna yesterday afternoon.
The steeple of Stephansdom (Cathedral of St. Stephen).

A flower shop near Stephansdom.

Now that's a rose!

Vienna can be compared to the simple elegance of a rose.  It is both delicate and majestic at the same time.  I have many more photos of Vienna which I will post in my next installment.  And now it is time for me to go to bed...Gute Nacht!

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