Sunday, May 26, 2013

Flowers Galore and More (SINGAPORE)

A self-portrait on the shuttle bus in the Gardens by the Bay.
This posting will have the remaining photos from my visit to the Flower Dome.  As I wrote yesterday, there will be fewer photos of flowers since I was rushing to catch the last shuttle bus to the hotel.  They are worth seeing, but wait until you see the photos I took yesterday and today on my more extended exploration of the city.  Today's sightseeing was cut short by thunderstorms, during which I was even more drenched than simply from the perspiration of the humidity here.  You really do get the feel of the tropics in Singapore, which as you may know is an island not too distant from the Equator.
It's a steam bath walking around the city!  

I hope to get another posting done this evening.  I leave early tomorrow morning for Bangkok.  The frenetic pace continues in the home stretch.  Faster your seat belts...

As you can see, we have left the the dome of the tropical rainforest and have arrived at the more temperate Flower Dome.

One of the thousand year old olive trees.

More of the thousand year old olive trees.

Another one of my favorite photos.

Imaginative garden ornaments.
A view of The Flyer through the exterior support beams of the Flower Dome.
A view of the exterior of the Forest Cloud dome.
The Forest Cloud

A clearer view of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel without the haze of earlier in the day.
And a clearer view of the sculpted grove of trees.

The giant silver dragonflies of Singapore!  (Originally posted as mosquitos, but was informed by a kind viewer that they were dragonflies.  Just goes to show you I do not know my insects and bugs!)

On my next trip to Singapore I plan to visit the rooftop tropical garden of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel.  Yes, they are full size palm trees which you see on the roof.  That will give you some idea of the scale of the hotel.  It is colossal!  As you might suspect, it is a very popular tourist attraction which is open to those who are not guests at the hotel.  What you cannot see clearly in the photo is that each of the rooms has a balcony with a small garden.
With that, the garden tour of Singapore is completed.  Now onto the other beautiful parts of the city in my next posting...

1 comment:

  1. The silver sculptures you saw in the Gardens By The Bay are Dragonflies, not mosquitoes......
