Saturday, May 4, 2013

More of Vienna....from Munich (GER)

Even though I am in Munich, I am posting photos from Vienna.  While sightseeing today, I made a major decision.   Since WIFI has been taking such a long time to upload photos, I am going to limit myself to 10 to 12 photos for each posting.  It will be difficult because on an average day I am taking at least 200 photos. I will play it by ear with each city I am in, but the only way to stay current is to limit the photos.  [This will not apply to Greece, since there are so many photos I want to share with you.]

I spent a wonderful day on Munich today.  The weather was overcast and cool, and so it was a perfect day to go to the major sites in the center of "old Munich," including the Jesuit church, Michaelskirche.  However, today's photos will be posted when I catch up.

I leave early tomorrow morning for Warsaw, then on to Lithuania on Tuesday.  Faster your seat belts, it is going to be at warp speed pretty soon!  Good thing I am young enough to keep the pace I have set for my travels!  If it is still Saturday, then I am in Munich.  But for now, photos of Vienna....

The performance ring of the Spanish Riding School where the white stallion Lipizzaners perform the equivalent of ballet movements!

Stairway inside the Hofburg, Imperial Palace, leading to the State Rooms.

A small part of the VERY impressive collection of gold, silver, and porcelain Imperial dinnerware service.  You really have to see it to believe the scale of what was kept in the Hofburg for dinner parties.


Original tomb of Maria Christina, daughter of Empress Maria Theresa.  Maria Christiana has since been moved to the Kaisergruft, the Capuchin church where all of the Hapsburgs are buried.

Crypt of the Kaisergruft with coffins of Hapsburg family members by the dozens lining the walls.
Coffin of Empress Maria Theresa

Coffins of Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Elisabeth, among the last monarchs of Austria-Hungary.

Shadow of the statue of the blessed Mother over the coffin of the coffin of Princess Zita.

Modern day entrance to the Palffy Palace where Mozart performed as a teenager and now where concerts are performed on a daily basis.

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