Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Last of the Florence Photos (London, UK)

As you can see from the blossoming tree in the photo, Spring has arrived in Florence.  That is not the case in London, even though the crocus and daffodils are sprouting from the ground.  It was a raw cold day today in London, after a considerable amount of rain yesterday.  I did not even travel with my camera today as I walked about the city.  I will tomorrow, rain or shine!  In the meantime, here are the remaining photos from Florence which I am going to post in random order, some of the locations you will have already seen.

Church of Santa Croce

Statue of Dante on the steps of Santa Croce

The Duomo

Mosaic over side door of Duomo

Mosaic over the main door of the Duomo

North door of the Baptistry (Replicas!  The original doors were restored after a major flood damaged them.  They are now in a museum behind the Duomo.)

And with that, arrivederci Firenze!

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