Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Photos of the Pope and Me at the Papal Mass (The Vatican)

Here is proof that I was at today's Mass and very close to the Pope as he circled St. Peter's Square on the Popemobile.  Brendan Hurley, S.J. was seated next to me during the Mass.  He had a small camera with him which he kept in his pocket.  [I can kicked myself for not taking my IPhone with me.]  We were seated with all of the priests who would distribute Communion at the Mass.  As I wrote earlier, we were in the first row of seats on the right side of the altar, just below the level of the diplomatic corps, who were on the same level as the altar and Papal throne.  As we were waiting for Mass to begin, Brendan snapped my photo.  He also took this photo of Franceso I from his seat as the Pope rode passed us before the beginning of Mass.  As you can see, we were privileged to be seated so close to the events of today.

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