Wednesday, March 27, 2013

"Artsy" Photos from Rome (Rome, IT)

I enjoyed a very relaxing day in bella Roma.  I spent the morning taking "artsy" photos, which I am attaching to this posting.  In the afternoon, I had lunch with Father Charles Lasrado, SJ, who is the Assistant General Treasurer of the Society of Jesus, at the Jesuit Curia, in other words, worldwide headquarters.  We were joined at our table by Fathers Jim Grummer, SJ, Ken Gavin, SJ, and Jesse Rodriquez, SJ.  It was delightful to among my own, since I am the only Jesuit among all of the sabbatical priests at the North American College.  On my way to the Curia, I passed St. Peter's Square and saw the Pope in the distance greeting people after his General Audience.  Francis I was out of the Popemobile and in the crowd shaking hands and greeting people, up close and personal.  It was Youth Day, so most of the crowd were youngsters and young people.

I took photos while I was at the Jesuit Curia and in Saint Peter's Square.  I will post those photos tomorrow, so stayed tuned!

The colorful tables were at this ice cream store.

At the Piazza Navona.

Can you guess what this police officer is doing?  He is scratching a lottery ticket which he just purchased in the tobacco shop behind him.

A sure sign of Spring!

All right!  Enough already with the pansy photos!!

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