Monday, March 18, 2013

Medieval Assisi - Part 2 (Rome, IT)

I began the day in Assisi attending Mass at the tomb of St. Francis with the community of Friars who work at the basilica.  It was spectacular!  After Mass, I headed for the train station in order to return to Rome.  On my way to the station, I asked the taxi driver to stop at the Basilica of Santa Maria Angeli so I could make a brief visit to the site where St. Francis died and where he established his first monastery.  The basilica is in the valley below the town of Assisi.  I arrived in Rome at mid-afternoon to a very heavy rain.  By the end of the day, the sun was shining, and sun is in the forecast for tomorrow's installation of Pope Francesco I.  I will be at the Mass and will be distributing communion.  I will not be able to take my camera with me, so no photos tomorrow of the Pope's Mass.  It was a trade-off for being able to get up front for a perfect vantage point for the entire Mass.

Now back to Assisi with more photos of the town...  (By the way, the photo of the flag, which is posted above, was taken inside the medieval castle, Rocca Maggiore.)

A few views from the path leading to Rocca Maggiore.

A section of the castle's walls.

Inside Rocca Maggiore.

Anything look familiar?

A visitor having a spot of tea in the garth of the castle.  [My version of an Edward Hopper painting.]

I took this photo on the trip down, but these were the stairs I climbed to get to the path leading to the castle.

I will include with tomorrow's posting photos of the basilica and churches of Assisi.  They are all exterior shots because photos are not allowed inside the churches.  Understandable, but you will be missing out on stunningly beautiful frescoes, especially those of Giotto inside the major basilica of St. Francis.

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