Thursday, March 21, 2013

Springtime in Rome, bellissima! (Rome, IT)

Spring has definitely arrived in Rome.  Today's weather could not have been more ideal - warm and sunny!  It was too glorious a day to stay inside and attend one of our conferences, so I took the morning off and did my usual thing of just walking through bella Roma.  I went to some of my favorite areas of the city.  I have attached photos from my little walking tour.  You may recognize some of the places and scenes from previous photos I have posted when I visited those places before.   I hope you enjoy the attached photos as much as I did when I took them today.   And, no posting from Rome would be complete without several photos from the interiors of churches.  Enjoy!

Chapel of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel inside the Church of Santa Maria in Trasportina

Main Altar

Saints Peter and Paul

Approaching the Piazza Navona.

One of the many cafes on the Piazza Navona.

One of the many vendors of art work on the Piazza Navona.

Main Altar of the Church of Santa Maria del Sacro Cuore di Gesu  (Our Lady of the Sacred Heart of Jesus)

Statue of St. James the Apostle

Altar of Santa Maria del Monserrato

Statue of St. James the Apostle

I end with this very interesting painting (?) which hangs over the niche with the statue of the Infant of Prague.  It is a modern version of something, but what?

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