Friday, March 8, 2013

More of Florence (Rome, IT)

There is no doubt in my mind that the finest and freshest vegetables in the world are grown in Italy, but I digress.  I left us on the threshold of the Church of San Lorenzo.

I have only a few photos of the church because photos are not permitted inside the church (as is true of most of the churches in Florence) where all of the beautiful artwork is.

What now follows are some photos I took as we were walking through the streets of Florence.

Statue of St. John the Baptist over the north door of the baptistry of the Duomo.

Piazza della Signoria

The Ponte Vecchio

Views from the Ponte Vecchio

I prepared this posting at the airport in Rome.  It is now 11:00 AM.  I have a Noon flight to London where I will be for the weekend.  I have many more photos of Florence, especially of the areas of the Piazza della Signoria and the Church of Santa Croce.  I will have a couple of more postings on Florence, and if I have a chance, maybe a photo or two of London thrown in for good measure.  Cheers!

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