Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Vienna, my new favorite city of the world! (AUS)

Dinner in Vienna with Ottilie Schawe

I arrived in Vienna today at Noon, after taking the morning train from Budapest.  I still need to continue with my photos of Budapest, but my first impression of Vienna is one of pure amazement.  It must be the most beautiful capital city in the entire world.  I have been awed by other cities, but nothing compares to the opulent beauty of Vienna.  I took a very brief walking tour near Stephansplatz, which is the center of Vienna, and walked into a few churches.  They make the churches of Rome look like last year's models.  I am very impressed with the city.  I look forward to my next few days here, before returning to Munich on Friday.  

As you can see from the photo above, I had dinner with Ottilie whom I met on the train ride from Munich to Budapest.  She is a psychologist from Munich who was attending a conference in Vienna.  As I wrote in an earlier posting, she sat across from me on the train and conversed for most of the ride.  She and I decided to have dinner tonight in Vienna before she leaves for Munich tomorrow.  We had a delightful dinner at Do & Co. Restaurant, which is in the shadow of the Cathedral of St. Stephen.

Before I get to photos of Vienna, here are photos of Budapest taken on my second day of sightseeing.  I hope the WiFi here is faster than in Budapest.

Store display window of water pipes...a little local color!
St. Matthias Church and Fishermen's Bastion

Some more local color...a cafe on the street corner which leads to the Citadel, the highest point in Budapest.
View of the Danube from the Citadel.

A sculpture in a park near the Hungarian Parliament.

Dome of the Hungarian Parliament  (FYI, the front of the building is covered in scaffolding as it is in the process of being chemically cleaned to the same brilliant white you see here.)

The Pest side of the Chain Bridge.

A live tree trunk which looks like a piece of sculpture.
Street leading to the Basilica of St. Stephen.
A display of orchids in a hotel lobby.

At Sunday brunch.
The Sunday brunch area for kids.
Jaws was right behind my chair in the dining room.

A lithograph displayed for sale in a store window.

More photos of Budapest in the next posting, then to the photos of Vienna....

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