Monday, April 15, 2013

Mt. Olympus - Day 2, Part 1 (Greece)

With Fr. Francis Garbo (Diocese of San Francisco) and Mt. Olympus in the background.

Our second full day in Greece was devoted solely to a visit to the Greek Orthodox monasteries of Meteora.  [I have so many beautiful photos of the monasteries and the natural beauty of Meteora that I decided to have one posting just of those photos.  That posting will be Part 2.]  The road to Meteora passes Mt. Olympus, so I am using this posting just for photos of Mt. Olympus.  The photo above was taken at a rest stop.  You can see Mt. Olympus in the background.  Before we arrived at the rest stop, the bus driver stopped the bus on the side of the road so we could take photos of Mt. Olympus at the closest point from the highway.  Two of those photos follow, then 3 more from our rest stop where we stopped for coffee.

The summit of Mt. Olympus, home to the Greek gods!

With Fr. Bill Sokolowski (Hartford, CT Diocese)

Just to whet your appetite, I have attached 4 photos of Meteora.  I will explain more in the next posting of what you will find in Meteora.  It has to be one one the most stunningly beautiful places on earth!

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