Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Athens - Day 5, Part 1 (Greece)

Day 5 of our trip was devoted entirely to Athens.  We started at the National Archeological Museum, which is in the photos above.  The museum is one of the top 10 museums in the world.  As you can see in the second photo, Spring has definitely arrived!  We spent more than 2 hours at the Museum before moving on to the Acropolis of Athens.  Because I have so many photos from the Museum and an equal number from the Acropolis (more than 540 photos for the day), I am going to do at least 2 postings of the day in Athens.  The first part will be photos from inside the Museum.  Most of the sculptures are from the 6th century BC, which was the height of classical Greek culture.

The goddess Athena, after whom Athens is named.

One of the Seven Dwarfs?

At a cafe outside the museum.

After lunch, it was time to move on to the Acropolis of Athens...stay tuned for Part 2....  The good news is no more museum photos; the better news is, wait until you see the beautiful photos of the ruins of the Acropolis!

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