Monday, January 7, 2013

My Bags Are Packed (Boston, MA)

As you will see in the picture which is attached, I have successfully packed 2 suitcases for six months on the road.  Now that is an accomplishment!  The next trick will be to see if they meet the weight restrictions for luggage when I check in for my Lufthansa flight.  I leave in 2 days for Frankfurt en route to London and Edinburgh.  My dear friend Mairead has already informed her sister in Edinburgh and her cousin in London of my travel plans, so I will call them while I am in their respective cities.  I was surprised to learn how many of my friends have relatives all over the world, especially in cities I intend to visit.  Like Mairead, they have already made introductions for me.  I look forward to meeting all of them.  I am also delighted with the number of my friends here in Boston who intend to visit me along the course of my journey in favorite destination cities for them.  The most popular is, as you might suspect, Rome.  I will obviously document their visits with photos I will post on this blog.  That is, unless they are fugitives from the law or in the witness protection program and do not want their pictures posted online!!

All my worldly possessions...well, maybe not!

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