Friday, January 25, 2013

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To...(Rome, IT)

Here I am inside the Colosseum which was the last stop of my visits for the day.  I started at the Piazza Barberini and walked and walked and walked.  There are so many photographs I took.  Here are a few of them.  I hope you enjoy them.

Courtyard of the Palazzo Pamphilj

Piazza Venezia

Mussolini made public addresses from the balcony on the building on the right side of the picture.  (Palazzo Venezia)

Vittorio Emanuele II Monument

Faceless but not forgotten after all these years!
A fresco in a ruin near the Emanuele Monument.

Stairs to the Piazza di Campidoglio (the piazza was designed by Michelangelo)

Statue of Marcus Aurelius (sculpted by Michelangelo)

A demonstration on the piazza.

The People and Senate of Rome

Romulus and Remus being the legend goes.

Steps to Church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli (located above the Roman Forum)
Interior of the church

Chapel of the Bambino

The Bambino (not Babe Ruth!)

Tomb of Pope Paul II

A tombstone on the floor of the church.

Birth of the Bambino  (Christmas still lingers here!)

Roman Forum

Reputed to be the site of the murder of Julius Ceasar.

For you Latin scholars to confirm the alleged site of Caesar's death.

Arch of Titus

Part of the Temple of the Vestal Virgins

The Colosseum from the Roman Forum

Arch of Constantine

Interior corridor of the Colosseum
Interior steps to higher levels

Bottom area of the Colosseum

At the end of the day I had lunch with the girls!


  1. Wow! I cannot wait! Is Nero's fake lake still there?

  2. The protest is against taking farmland and building apartment buildings, hence "no cement!"
