Wednesday, January 30, 2013

General Papal Audience (The Vatican)

The photo above is Benedict XVI arriving in the Audience Hall for his regular General Audience.  We had reserved seats in the first section, directly in front of the papal throne.  Unfortunately, I did not bring my zoom lens for my camera so the photos of the Pope and the bishops and cardinals at the audience seem at a distance.  However, we were very close to the Holy Father.  When we were introduced to the Holy Father, all of the priests in the sabbatical program stood up and sang the first sentence of the Credo, to which the Pope applauded.  I must admit that I was quite impressed by the General Audience and the warmth of the Holy Father as he greeted all the different groups in the hall.  It was quite inspirational.  Before the General Audience began, I had the opportunity to be introduced to Jesuit Father Frederico Lombardi, the official spokesman for The Vatican and Director of Vatican Radio.  He was with a Jesuit from the Detroit Province, Bob Geisinger, who works at the Curia whom I met on several occasions when I was in Rome at Province Treasurers' meetings.  All in all, a wonderful day!

With Fr. Lombardi (center) and Bob Geisinger.

With Brian Geary from Chicago

Some of the priests in the sabbatical program

A group of Vietnamese women from Belgium who sat next to us in the Audience Hall.

A mariachi band from Mexico playing before the General Audience began.

Cardinal ? from Brazil (center)

Benedict XVI greeting the bishops and cardinals as he enters the Audience Hall.

At end of the audience, bishops and cardinals greeting the Pope.

The Pope having his picture taken with a group of bishops from southern Italy.

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