Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Photo of the Next Pope! (Rome, IT)

I am certain that I have the picture of the next Pope in the group of photos which you are about to see.  He will be the one who will soon be on the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica, being introduced for the first time to the world as Pope.  Who it is, I have absolutely no idea, but I will bet I took his photo today.   I attended the Mass in St. Peter's Basilica celebrated by the cardinals to begin 
the conclave.  I had an ideal location to take the photos which follow.  Can you pick out the next Pope?

The Swiss Guards lead the procession at the end of the Mass.
Everyone wants a picture of the next Pope...who will it be?

Cardinal Sean O'Malley of Boston in the background.

Cardinal O'Malley

Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York


The Mass today was beautiful and moving!  You could feel both the sacredness and the awe of what was about to happen over the next several days.  Cardinal Sodano set the right tone as he presided and preached at the Mass.  Tomorrow I will post more photos from the Mass itself, including the procession into the basilica.  The photos which are above were taken as the cardinals were processing out at the end of the Mass.

Equally as moving this evening was being in St. Peter's Square.  I was there with thousands, standing in the cold rain waiting for the first sign of the smoke from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel.  It was inspiring to be with so many people who gathered in faith and joyful hope about who the future Pope will be and what it will mean for the church.  What an extraordinary time to be in Rome!

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