Sunday, March 17, 2013

Doors of Assisi (Assisi, IT)

It is Sunday in Assisi.  The town is filled with tourists and pilgrims.  The weather is cold and damp, but the enthusiasm is high among all of those who are visiting.  I attended Mass in the Church of San Pietro.  It was in Italian, but I got by.  It was a wonderful liturgy which included the installation of new altar servers who were obviously excited about becoming altar servers.  They were girls and boys around the ages of 7 to 10.  After Mass, I walked through the streets of Assisi.  It is a majestically beautiful town.  I have a very large number of photos from yesterday and today.  I may not be able to upload them because of the WiFi connection here and the time it takes to upload one photo.  I will try, and if they take too long, I will continue in Rome.  I decided to have three series of photos: one of the doors of Assisi (which beat those of Florence by a mile!), street scenes, and churches.  Then I will have another set of photos I took today.  I return to Rome tomorrow afternoon and look forward to the installation of Francesco I as Pope on Tuesday.

Let's close the door on this chapter and move on to photos of the medieval town of Assisi in the next posting.

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