Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Basilicas and Churches of Assisi - Part 1 (Rome, IT)

Let's take a photo tour of the basilicas and churches of Assisi.  Each one has its own unique character, but they all share a relationship with St. Francis and St. Clare.  I have enough photos of churches for 2 postings.  This is Part 1.

Basilica of St. Francis - where his tomb is in the Lower Basilica beneath the main altar of the Upper Basilica.

Interior photos of the church built on the site of the Temple of Minerva.

Chiesa Nuova (New Church) - built on top of the remains of the house of the parents of St. Francis and where his father kept St. Francis in a locked room so he would not become a mendicant....and the rest is history!

Cell where St. Francis was held captive by his father.

Duomo of San Rufino, where St. Francis and St. Clare were baptized as children.
Baptismal font.

Basilica of St. Clare, where St. Clare is buried and where Giotto's Cross of San Damiano now is kept.

End of Part 1 -  basilicas and churches of Assisi.

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