Wednesday, March 13, 2013

More on the Mass for the Election of a Pope (Rome, IT)

So far, no one has yet to appear on the balcony.  It is now Wednesday morning, and the cardinals continue with the election process in the Sistine Chapel.  It is expected that the next smoke from the chimney will be 30 minutes from now.  Stayed tuned!  In the meantime, here are more photos from yesterday's Mass at St. Peter's Basilica.

A relaxed moment for the Swiss Guards before the Mass begins.

The entrance procession begins.

Cardinal O'Malley on the right.

Cardinal Mahoney of Los Angeles

Cardinal Sodano

Cardinal Sodano preaching from the main altar.

The Exchange of Peace after the Our Father
The distribution of Holy Communion

The ubiquitous international press corps near the main altar.
People leaving at the end of the Mass.

And now the world waits...

It is only a matter of time before someone is brought to the balcony of the basilica to be introduced as the next Pope.

1 comment:

  1. I am jealous. I wish I was there at this time. It must be so exciting!!
