Friday, February 22, 2013

Tour of the Vatican Gardens (The Vatican)

It is the feast day of the Chair of Peter, so as you can see in the photo, the statue of St. Peter in St. Peter's Basilica is adorned with the triple papal crown and very elaborate, jewel encrusted vestments.  The altar of the Chair of Peter in the basilica is also adorned with flowers and surrounded by lighted candles throughout the day.

We had access to the basilica through a private entrance in the Vatican Gardens.  We were able to avoid the thousands of people who were lining up to get into the basilica for this feast day.  The Vatican Gardens will soon be closed in preparation for the conclave which will elect the next Pope.  The Director of the sabbatical program, Monsignor Anthony Figueirdo, was able to arrange for us to have a private tour of the Gardens which allowed us to enter the basilica though a door not used by the public.  In entering the basilica that way we were able to get to areas of the basilica which are ordinarily inaccessible.  The next 2 photos were taken in those areas.

The photos which are attached were taken while we toured the Vatican Gardens.  Throughout the Gardens are the administrative offices of Vatican City, residences for those who work in the Vatican, the Vatican Radio station, the Post Office, a supermarket, convents, monasteries, fountains, private areas reserved for the Holy Father, and beautifully manicured gardens and grottos.

The Guest House which will be used by all of the cardinals while they are at the conclave in the Sistine Chapel.

Vatican City's only gas station (inside the Gardens).
Office of the Vatican Police and the Jail of the Vatican.

The priests of the sabbatical program who are on the tour.

The Vatican Railway Station (rarely used any longer by the Pope).

Antenna of Vatican Radio.

Entrance to private tower rooms frequently used by Pope John Paul II (tower is in preceding photo).
Mosaic on the wall opposite the door to the tower.

Cypress tree brought from the Holy Land with its surrounding soil.
Sign at the Vatican Helipad.

Vatican Helipad, where Benedict XVI will take off for the last time as Pope at 5:00 PM on February 28th.

Statue of the Blessed Mother at the helipad.

It is now late in the evening, so I will conclude here.  I will have many more photos of the Vatican Gardens on tomorrow's posting.  The last photos will be my lunch with "the gang" today.  I joined Deanna, Denise, Peter, and Vin after the tour of the gardens.  We ate at a wonderful restaurant near the Vatican Museums.

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