Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Benedict XVI's Final General Audience (The Vatican)

[This posting was written last night, 27 FEB, but only published online this morning, 28 FEB.  The wireless server was not working for most of yesterday evening.  The good news is that now it is.]

Yes, I was among the tens of thousands who filled St. Peter's Square and the Via della Conciliazione for the Holy Father's final General Audience.  It was a Springlike day with brilliant sunshine and warm temperatures.  People were arriving at the Square at 7:30 AM for the Audience which began at 10:30 AM.  Benedict XVI arrived at 10:30 AM in the Popemobile and did 2 circuits of the crowd before going to his throne.  The official audience began at 11:00 AM.  I was standing at the very end of the Square, just in front of the Via della Concliazione, so all of the photos which are attached are from a great distance.  However, they will give you a sense of the tens of thousands who were there.

From the basilica to where I am standing to take these pictures is a least the length of 3 football fields!
Fr. Brian Geary (Illinois)

A group of students from France standing next to me, having their picture taken.
The French priest who was taking their picture.

The Pope is sitting on his throne under the canopy and is flanked by cardinals and bishops.

He went that a' way!
Some of the police who were scattered throughout the crowds.

I believe I mentioned yesterday that I would have photos of the catacombs for today's posting.  Our trip to the catacombs is scheduled for tomorrow morning.  This afternoon we toured the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls which contains the tomb of St. Paul.  The basilica is one of the 4 papal basilicas of Rome.  I leave you with a question, which are the other 3?

Sr. Emanuela, our tour guide at the basilica.

Statue of St. Peter

Statue of St. Paul

Nave of the basilica (which is the second largest church in the world).

Main altar of the basilica

Tomb of St. Paul is directly below the main altar behind the grill.  The hole shows the foundation of the original basilica which was destroyed in a fire.

Apse of the basilica

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