Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Relaxing Afternoon in the Piazza Navona (Rome, IT)

Deanna, Denise, Vin and I started the day together at a coffee bar before proceeding to del Caravita for Sunday Mass.  We also had the time to make a brief visit to the Church of Saint Ignatius before Mass.  After Mass at del Caravita, we were greeted by an impromptu classical concert on the Piazza San Ignatio.  It was quite lovely!

We toured the Pantheon before going to the Piazza Navona, where we had a leisurely lunch at an outdoor cafe on the piazza.  As the dark clouds gathered, we called it a day.  Deanna, Denise and Vin returned to their hotel, and I slowly walked back to Casa O'Toole.  All in all, it has been a very relaxing and enjoyable day.  The plan for tomorrow is St. Peter's Basilica.  Stay tuned!

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