Thursday, February 7, 2013

An Umbrella Day in Rome (ROME, IT)

It was a rainy day in Rome today, so I did not venture too far outside the doors of Casa O'Toole with my camera.  The photo above is not one of the doors of the Casa, it is just a photo I had taken last week at a church in Rome but never posted.

There will be a break in my making any postings on this blog until Sunday night.  Four of us from the program are leaving tomorrow for Florence, then on Saturday morning we travel to La Spezia and the Cinque Terre.  The Cinque Terre (5 towns) are supposed to be breathtaking.  They are all all on the side of a mountain along the coast and get progressively higher.  We will spend the day touring Cinque Terre and will spend the night in La Spezia.  We return to Florence on Sunday morning to catch our train back to Rome.  I plan to post on this blog Sunday night with photos of our excursion.  In the meantime, you can Google Cinque Terre to get an idea of that part of Italy.

Until Sunday, ciao from bella Roma!

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