Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Mardi Gras in Rome (Rome, IT)

No that is not a photo of Mardi Gras celebrations in Rome.  As a matter of fact, Mardi Gras is a non-event here.  The photo was taken today at the Campo di Fiori.  It was a demonstration about freedom of expression, as you will see in the next photo.

It was a relatively quiet day in Rome today after the excitement surrounding yesterday's news.  Last night was rather dramatic with a trenching rain and significant thunder and lightning throughout the city.  It was as though the weather was reacting to the drama of the day.  As for any "insider" information, the rumor here is that the Pope is more significantly ill than what is being reported and that he has been planning for his resignation for several months.  Also, the latest report is the the conclave will occur in the first week of March and that it will probably take 2 or 3 day for the cardinals to elect the next Pope.  However, no definite schedule has been released.  We do know that tomorrow's Mass in St. Peter's Basilica will be the last public Mass which the Pope will preside at.  It is anticipated that the crowds in St. Peter's Square will be significant as everyone tries to get into the basilica.

As for me, I spent the day trying to get train tickets at the American Express office located at Piazza di Spagna.  On my walk to and from the office I took the pictures which are attached.  It was a gray day, but the sun and warmth return tomorrow!

An English owned hotel near the Piazza di Spagna.

Castel San Angelo in the distance.

Tiber River

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