Sunday, February 3, 2013

A Relaxing Day in Rome (Rome, IT)

With Frs. Rolo Castillo, Frank Latzko, and Jerry Blaszyck, SJ                                                               

Another beautiful sunny day in bella Roma!  I spent the day with Fathers Rolo Castillo (Richmond, VA) and Frank Latzko (Chicago,IL) taking a walking tour of Rome for close to 7 hours.  It was an ideal day for walking in the city.  We started with Mass at del Caravita, which I mentioned last Sunday.  Fr. Jerry Blaszyck, SJ of the New York Province presided at the liturgy.  While there, I ran into Mike Rogers, SJ of the New England Province who was a student at the College of the Holy Cross when I worked there.  Mike is in studies here and will be ordained a priest in June.  He is now in the midst of taking exams.  After Mass, Rolo, Frank and I began our walking tour and covered many miles before returning to Casa O'Toole.  They are terrific guys, and so it was very enjoyable to be in their good company again enjoying the now familiar sights of Rome.  The attached photos will show the course of our journey through the city.

With Mike Rogers, SJ

Main Altar of del Caravita

Relic of St. Francis Xavier

Madonna inside del Caravita

Main altar of the Church of St. Andrew

Ceiling of the Church of St. Andrew

Frank and Rolo at Piazza della Rotunda

Main altar inside the Basilica  in the Pantheon

The Pantheon

At the Piazza Campodoglio

Statue of Minerva

Church of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli

Main altar on Santa Maria in Aracoeli

The steps of Santa Maria in Aracoeli

View of Piazza Campodoglio from Santa Maria in Aracoeli

Views of Rome from Vittorio Emanuele Monument

Giovanni Livingston Seagull on the Vittorio Emanuele Monument

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