Friday, February 15, 2013

Visitors to Rome (Rome, IT)

With Peter Lembo, Denise Dolan, and Vin Lembo

It was a beautiful day in Rome today for my friends to arrive from Boston for a 10 day visit.  My very good friend, Vin Lembo, was joined by his twin brother, Peter, Denise Dolan, and Deanna Jantzen (who decided to stay at the hotel to get some sleep after the long flight from Boston).  It is the first visit to Rome for Vin, Peter, and Deanna.  I met Vin, Peter and Denise at their hotel this afternoon, then we started our sightseeing by walking down the Via del Corso, then to the Piazza di Spagna, and on to the Trevi Fountain.  We had dinner at a restaurant near the Trevi Fountain.  They were real troopers to talk a long walk and stay up late after having arrived in Rome after a long flight from Boston, via Frankfurt.

In the Piazza del Popolo

At the Trevi Fountain

It looks like Denise will be returning to Rome!

I had all morning to take my usual walking tour of Rome.   I started in Trastevere, crossed the Tiber, then went by the Roman Forum before walking down the Via Del Corso to meet my friends.  Here are a few of the photos from my perambulation.

A courtyard in Trastevere

Church of Santa Maria di Scala

Church of Santa Maria in Trastevere

Main altar

Apse of the church

Ceiling of side chapel

Part of ceiling of the nave of the church.

More of the ceiling in the nave. 
Church of San Bartolomeo

I never get tired of taking photos of the Forum!

Piazza del Campodoglio in the distance.

Church of San Carlo al Curso

Where I stopped for a glass of wine as I neared the end of my walk.

Piazza del Popolo

Church of Santa Maria di Miracoli

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