Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Quiet Sunny Day (Rome, IT)

It is difficult to believe that one-quarter of the sabbatical program here at the North American College is over as of  today.  We lose 5 guys who were only here for this quarter, and gain 9 priests who arrive over the weekend for the second quarter of conferences.

It is now mid-afternoon as the sun shines outside.  It is a beautiful day in Rome.  I am writing this posting now because I am having dinner tonight with 2 Jesuits from the New England Province, Scott Brodeur and Mike Rogers.  Scott teaches here at the Gregorian Pontifical University, and Mike is a student who will be ordained in June of this year.  

As I wrote last night, the attached photos were taken on my walk yesterday afternoon.  I hope you enjoy them.

Statue of St. Brigida in the courtyard of the Church of San Lorenzo

Front of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore

Baptismal Font of Santa Maria Maggiore

Holy Door of Santa Maria Maggiore

Ruins alongside the Roman Forum (take note of the almost intact original tile floor in this photo and the next photo).

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