Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tour of the Vatican Gardens - Part 2 (The Vatican)

I am a day late with Part 2 of my tour of the Vatican Gardens.  Yesterday was a busy day for me.  I met "the gang" for some sightseeing during a day of torrential rains.  We survived the sightseeing of the basilicas Santa Maria Maggiore and St. John Lateran and enjoyed a wonderful and long lunch at a restaurant in the shadow of St. John Lateran.  The food was delicious, but more importantly, it was a dry and warm environment after getting a real soaking during our walking.  After leaving Deanna, Denise, Peter, and Vin, I briefly returned to Casa O'Toole before heading out for Mass and dinner with Jesuits from the the New England, New York, and Maryland Provinces.  I got back to Casa O'Toole around 11:30 and was too tired to go to the computer.  And so, here is Part 2 of my tour of the Vatican Gardens.

No, I did not take a quick trip to Philadelphia!  It is the 2000 Jubilee Year Bell.

As we tour the gardens, we are always always in the shadow of the dome of St. Peter's Basilica.

Antenna of Vatican Radio.

The monastery being prepared for Benedict XVI when he returns to the Vatican as Bishop Emeritus of Rome.

The "boys" approaching one of the many fountains in the Vatican Gardens.  It is the area just below the residence which Benedict XVI will use in his retirement.

A view of Rome from the gardens.

A section of the Berlin Wall.

One of the buildings of the Vatican Museums.

This unassuming door is the "back entrance" which leads to the Sistine Chapel.
The Pope's apartments are on the top floor.

The rear entrance to the Papal apartments.

A Vatican police officer on duty.

The sign at the door of the Vatican Hospital.
The residences of the Swiss Guards.

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