Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Day in Ancient Rome (Rome, IT)

With Denise, Peter, Deanna and Monsignor Lembo

This photo was taken at the end of the day for a well deserved rest (and refreshments, as you can tell from the size of the beer Vin had) after several hours of walking through ancient Rome.  We met at Noon today, after a good night's sleep for everyone, that is, with the exception of Deanna who was doubly refreshed after both a good day and night's sleep from yesterday.  We started at the Piazza Venezia below the balcony of Mussolini's public speeches and took some photos of the Vittorio Emanuele Monument and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, then proceeded to the Piazza di Campidoglio, from there we had the grand vista of the Roman Forum.  We ended our walking tour at the Colesseum, enjoyed a wonderful lunch at an outdoor cafe (our very friendly waitress was from Albania), then began the long trek back.  The weather could not be more ideal.  It was only surpassed by the company. And now for a few photos from our sightseeing.

At the Piazza di Campidoglio

With the Roman Forum in the background.

In the Roman Forum

With the Temple of the Vestal Virgins in the background, and in the foreground the....

In front of the Colosseum

Arch of Constatine

On my way to meet "the gang," I stopped inside the Church of Santa Lucia and took a few photos.

Statue of Santa Lucia

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