Thursday, June 13, 2013

Back in the USA (BOSTON)

I have returned!  After having circled the globe, I arrived in Boston on Sunday afternoon.  My original flight from Hong Kong to Boston, via Chicago, was cancelled.  After waiting in the airport in Hong Kong for 14 hours, I was able to catch a flight to San Francisco on Saturday night, with a connecting flight to Boston on Sunday morning.  It is good to be back home.  I return with wonderful memories of every city I visited during the more than 5 months that I was away.  Since returning, I have been asked which was my favorite city. My answer is Vienna and Singapore.  But, as I wrote in one of last postings, there is no place like home!  And home for the moment, before I move to Chicago the first week in July, is Boston.  

One of the first places I visited upon my return home was to the memorial to the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing.  The photos attached to this blog are from the memorial, including the photo of the American flags above.  I found it to be a very moving experience to be at the memorial site, so close to my community on Newbury Street.

My blog is not yet over, so don't leave me yet.  I still have several days of photos from my visits to Greece and Istanbul which I promised to post on my blog.  Check in periodically to see if they have been posted. Until is good to be back home in the USA!

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