Saturday, June 8, 2013

A Day in Hong Kong Airport! (HONG KONG)

Well, it looks like this posting will not be from the USA!  I am now in my 10th hour at the Hong Kong Airport!!  After periodic updates for close to 3 hours from United Airlines that the flight was only 30 minutes delayed, then 30 more, then 30 more, the flight was officially canceled. It was to leave at 11:40 AM.  At 3:00 PM, United cancelled the flight and re-scheduled it for 6:30 PM TOMORROW night.  And even at that, they informed us the time was subject to change.  I was able to get on a flight out of Hong Kong at 11:00 PM tonight (it is now 7:00 PM, Saturday) on Singapore Airlines.  The flight is to San Francisco, with a connecting flight on United at 10:30 PM on Saturday night, I know it is confusing with the time change.  Rather than getting to Boston on Saturday night at 11:00 PM, I get to Boston early Sunday morning, hopefully!!  Hong Kong is a beautiful city, but an airport is an airport, and it is getting tedious sitting here, now into my 11th hour!  

Can you believe it?  Every connection and flight I have taken for the last 5 and a half months has been on time with no hiccups.  Now the very last leg of my journey, a major delay.  Just another 3 hours before the boarding process begins...

If all goes according to the new schedule...the next posting will be from the USA!

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