Thursday, March 27, 2014

Visit to the War Rooms-Churchill Museum (London)

I spent the afternoon with Mark Lalley visiting The Warm Rooms and the Churchill Museum.  [Suzy stayed in Richmond to catch up on some work.]  The War Rooms (basically a huge underground bunker in the center of London) are the actual rooms used by Winston Churchill and his War Cabinet during WWII.  The Churchill Museum is now housed within the War Rooms.  The following photos were taken inside the War Rooms and have the actual furnishings and equipment which were used during the war.  Many of the rooms have wax figures as part of the exhibits.

The letter of President Eisenhower to Winston Churchill informing him that he was an Honorary Citizen of the United States.  His US passport is also on display.  Only one other person before Winston Churchill was given the honor of becoming an honorary citizen of the US.  Who was he??

Why is an easel on exhibit in the Churchill Museum?

A typical bedroom for staff personnel in the bunker.

An officer's bedroom in the bunker.

Churchill's bedroom in the bunker of the War Rooms.  Notice the chamber pot at the foot of the bed!
At the end of the tour of the War Rooms, Mark and I go separate ways as he goes to a business meeting and I return to Richmond to have dinner with Suzy and the kids.

This photo was taken the night before our tour of the War Rooms in London.  Mark is with two of his three children, Veronique and Fritz.  Suzy, as usual, does not want her picture taken.

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