Monday, January 28, 2013

A Room With A View (Rome, IT)

[ I noticed that there were 7 hits on my blog yesterday before all of the photos were posted.  If you want to see the photos which I referenced in what I wrote, you may wish to go back to yesterday's entry and see all of the photos and an added word or two.  And for those who noticed, I corrected the typo.]

How do you like the view from my room?  I arrived today at my home for the next three months.  It is Casa O'Toole at the North American College.  It is very comfortable environment, especially my rooms with this spectacular view.  It is a very rainy day, so it was a good transition day.  I therefore have only a few photos.  Good thing!  The Casa is very modern and up to date, except for the wireless router.  It took 5 minutes to download the photo above.  I may have fewer photos to share with you in the future, unless I can use other than a wireless connection.

So far the guys in the program whom I have met are from all over the US, with a few from Canada.  It looks like a good bunch of guys.  Lunch was with the seminarians. 
I sat at a table with one seminarian from the Archdiocese of Newark, NJ, so there was one connection.  Another seminarian was a graduate of Marquette University who, as a student, worked for the Jesuit Community there.  He knew some of the guys there whom I know.  Another connection! Interestingly, he is studying at the Opus Dei College.  There is no connection there.

As for a casual pace of the sabbatical program, forget it!  Things start tomorrow at 7:15 AM!!  Time for bed!  Ciao!

Tennis anyone?

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