Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Adventure Begins (Boston, MA)

Well, it is time to get ready for my great adventure around the world.  What better place to start than the computer!  And who better to ask for assistance in setting up my blog than our resident expert on all things social media, but Kara.  She has been very patient with my limited tech skills, but, in the end, we did a terrific job in creating this blog.  I hope you will enjoy it, as you journey with me during my 6 month sabbatical.  My travels begin on January 9, 2013.  My first stop is Frankfurt, Germany, en route to London and Edinburgh for 2 weeks.  And so, the countddown begins . . . . . . .

Kara instructing me on setting up a blog account
I am taking the helm of navigating the blog site
Kara is pleased with her student
We have created a masterpiece
Elena and Tom are pleased with my intended route, but Marci wants me to go in the opposite direction
Bill cannot believe I have not included Australia on my trip


1 comment:

  1. Of course Marci is always contrary according to Scott. I think I have to agree with Bill about the Austrailia stop. And thanks Kara for getting this going. It will be a hoot to follow.
